The ARGUS COLLECTORS GROUP Started on April 8, 1997, the Argus Collectors Group (ACG) is the
original Internet group dedicated to the exchange of information about Argus cameras.
Today the ACG has @ 200 members
and is the largest Internet group dedicated to the discussion of collecting, restoring, and using classic American made Argus
Cameras. The ACG membership boasts some of the most knowledgable experts on Argus cameras and Argus history.
is exchanged via an e-mail list server to share questions, and comments with all of the other members. In addition to exchanging
information via the e-mail list, The ACG sponsors several projects and activities. These include:
The Annual Martinsville
Gathering: Info on last year's gathering can be found at: and photos from the event can be seen at:
Argust Day: Every August ACG members take an Argus camera with them throughout their day and submit photos
to an online exhibit. Previous Argust Day photos can be seen at and at
Other Photo Contests We also sponsor photo contests and exhibits including an annual winter holiday photo
The ACG also maintains an informational web site at Posted on the website is information on Argus cameras for anyone to access.
Please contact me directly with any
questions at:
Thank you, James M. Surprenant ACG Moderator